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Instagram Syncing
Adam avatar
Written by Adam
Updated over 6 months ago

Whether you're a breeder or a pet parent, we're sure you love sharing photos and videos of your pets. Camlist has the world's first social media platform dedicated to pets.

If you'd like to start sharing content and build a community of followers, adding some posts to your timeline is a great way to do this! You can share text, images, videos, links, and anything else that you'd like.

What's more?

You can enable syncing all your Instagram content to your Camlist account. Just add your Instagram handle on your Camlist profile, and your Instagram feed will auto-sync with your Camlist timeline!

So whatever you post on your Instagram will automatically also appear on your Camlist timeline. It will also appear on the top of the home screen for your followers on Camlist so they can always see the latest posts from you when they open the app.

Adding your social media accounts

Here's how you can link all your social accounts (Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook) to your Camlist account. This helps provide easy access to your followers to all your social profiles.

Instagram feed auto-sync to Camlist timeline

As long as you have added the handle of your Instagram account dedicated to your pets on your Camlist profile, you can choose to enable an auto-sync between your Instagram feed and your Camlist timeline! This will keep your Camlist timeline up to date with all the content you are adding on instagram

So as mentioned earlier, whatever you post on your Instagram will automatically also appear on your Camlist timeline.

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