Get a Verified Badge

Here's how you can get a verified badge on Camlist.

Sara avatar
Written by Sara
Updated over a week ago

The verified badge is a blue tick on your profile, much like on social media sites, to indicate that you're a verified seller on the app. This verification indicates that you have been verified as a good seller by multiple app buyers.

In order to qualify for the verified badge on your Camlist profile, all you need is:

  • A complete profile with a profile pic and a username (read more about setting up your profile here)

  • Receive a minimum of 3 payments from 3 different buyers on the app

  • Receive a minimum of 3 ratings of 5-stars from 3 different buyers on the app

  • No 1-star ratings or serious reports from buyers

The benefits of getting a verified badge include:

  • You stand-out from the crowd of other sellers and breeders

  • Buyers will trust your profile and interact with you

  • Early access to new features

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